April 28, 2021
Suppose you have a black box interpreter that runs some programming language. The interpreter is allowed to have some randomness, but it’s entirely supplied by a give_me_a_random_number
function that you pass into it. How do we exhaustively test and enumerate all possible execution paths?
Recently for uWaterloo’s CS 442 class, I had to write an interpreter for a toy language.
It was a very simple Object Oriented language with basic support for concurrency.
Since it was inspired by pi-calculus, naturally there is some nondeterminism.
For example, consider 3 processes.
If process 1 wants to send value foo
, and process 2 and 3 both want to receive it, who should get it?
The possible concurrent steps in the language were:
: spawns a new processsend/receive
: send/receive a message over a channel
send("channel_name", foo)
sends foo
to some process that is waiting to receive via receive("channel_name", &bar)
The way we ran the interpreter was as follows:
(randomizer: int -> int)
concurrent steps to choose from. Then randomizer(n)
returns a number i
in (0, 1, ..., n-1)
, so we’d do the i
th concurrent stepThe interpreter itself wasn’t too hard to write, but I was confused - how will the instructor test this, considering tons of programs would be nondeterministic? There was no restriction on how we ordered processes, so even providing a deterministic “randomizer” like (fun _ -> 0)
wouldn’t guarantee some expected output across all students’ implementations.
My teacher (Professor Richards) noted that for small programs, it’s feasible to enumerate all possible outputs by running the program repeatedly and filling in an execution tree. This inspired me to try my hand at testing the interpreter as a black box.
Consider the following pseudocode:
def main():
class Foo:
def main():
class Bar:
def main():
class Baz:
def main():
We start with a singleton list of processes, in particular the main()
function at line 1.
Let’s represent this with [1]
At line 2, we spawn a new process which goes to Foo::main()
Then, we’re stuck between two concurrent steps: [3, 8]
Namely, should I spawn a Bar
in line 3 or should I spawn a Baz
in line 8
We solve this using a randomizer(2)
call, which helps us decide.
If we choose to run step 3, then we eventually get stuck at [4, 8, 12]
If we choose to run step 8, then we eventually get stuck at [3, 12]
Now we note a few things:
function, our interpreter is entirely deterministic
call when executing the Main function will always be randomizer(2)
. Similarly, the left child of Main will always have a randomizer(3)
call. This follows because the only source of non-determinism is provided by the randomizer
function.Given this, notice that we can dynamically build up an execution tree to enumerate all possible executions. Every randomizer(n)
call is a “branch point” with n
different children. We simply need to pass in a custom randomizer
function that helps us keep track of state on every call!
First, we define a type for the execution tree.
type t =
| Unexplored
| Done
| Node of t ref list
Since we’ll need to dynamically change nodes, I chose to keep track of children with t ref
’s (kind of like a pointer, if you’re not used to OCaml). Then it will be simple for me to change a given Node
’s child.
Then, we keep some global state that the randomizer updates.
let cur = ref (ref Unexplored)
We hold an invariant throughout every run that before a randomizer
call, the cur
variable points to the node in the execution tree that the program is currently in. For example, on a fresh run we should start with cur
pointing to the root (i.e. Main). Then if we return 0 from a randomizer
call, the program descends to the 0’th child and so we should update cur
to point to that node. Then we can use the randomizer to build the tree as follows.
On a randomizer(n) call:
with n
unexplored childrenNode
with n
You might ask “what if we go to a Done
node?”. In this case, we have made a mistake because we’re essentially following a path that we have already fully explored. This is also true for the case where we arrive at a Node
with the children all being Done
. To avoid these mistakes, we simply prune the tree every time before we run the program.
In code form, it looks like this:
let randomizer (n: int) : int =
if n = 1 then 0
else (
match ! ! cur with
| Done -> failwith "this should never happen"
| Unexplored ->
let children = (List.init n ~f:(fun _ -> ref Unexplored)) in
!cur := Node children;
cur := (List.nth_exn children 0);
| Node children ->
List.findi children
~f:(fun _ t -> match !t with Done -> false | _ -> true)
| None -> failwith "this should never happen"
| Some (i, child) ->
cur := child;
Now we can iteratively build the tree by repeatedly running the program. First, we prune the tree by removing any fully explored paths. Then we set the cur
to point to root
, and run. After a run, we know we’ve fully explored one of the paths, so we set the leaf node that cur
points to to be Done
. We repeat the process, iteratively building a tree and pruning it until we are left with a root node which is also Done
The code for this:
let rec prune_tree (node : t ref) : unit =
match !node with
| Unexplored -> ()
| Done -> ()
| Node children ->
List.iter children ~f:prune_tree;
if List.for_all children ~f:(fun child ->
match !child with
| Done -> true
| _ -> false)
then node := Done
let run (prog : string) : unit =
let root = ref Unexplored in
let rec run () =
prune_tree root;
match !root with
| Done -> ()
| _ ->
print_endline "RUNNING:";
cur := root;
Interpreter.run_program ~randomizer prog |> Or_error.ok_exn;
!cur := Done;
run ()
run ()
This could be confusing, so I made an illustration to showcase the core logic.
call. Then we update the root to now be a Node
with 2 unexplored children. We update the cur
pointer to the 0th child, and we return 0 from the randomizer
is pointing at to be Done
nodeThat’s it! By updating some global state on every randomizer
call, we can enumerate all possible paths of execution. As a result, for small programs its feasible generate all possible outputs. Now it’s possible to test that two different interpreters indeed do the same thing for a program, even if the program has some nondeterminisim in it!
Note: By small program, I mean small interns of “branch points”, not LoC. Even a very low LoC program could cause $O($a lot$)$ of work.